The Fiber Artists Collective (FAC) is an organization of professional fiber artists creating fiber art for residential, corporate and public settings. The Fiber Artists Collective’s mission is to enable professional fiber artists to work cooperatively to present and market their work, educate the public and inspire its appreciation and awareness of works of contemporary fiber art.
Membership is open to professional contemporary decorative fiber artists who demonstrate a commitment to creating high quality works of fiber art, as well as dealing professionally with the public, galleries, consultants and/or designers. Most members have a minimum of 5 years professional experience.Members’ work must meet the following standard: whether produced in quantity or as an individual piece, the ideal handmade fiber art reflects excellence. The work should be well-conceived, expertly executed without technical faults and reflect the unique design, skill and vision of the fiber artist.
Applicants for membership will be selected based on the images and information shown on their websites. Applicants without a website must submit 5 digital images and descriptions. If the website does not include an artist’s statement and resume, these items should be included in the application packet. The application will be reviewed by a 5 person review panel.
Benefits of membership include:
- The opportunity* to participate in the annual January postcard mailing (“Postcard Project”) which provides exposure for participants to galleries, museums, designers, and the media.
- Thumbnail image on the FAC Roster page.
- The opportunity* to have an individual gallery page on the FAC website. More info..
- The opportunity to maintain contact and solicit advice and information from other fiber artists through the FAC Member Forum.
- The opportunity* to be included in FAC exhibitions, presentations and special events as well as FAC public relations programs.
- The opportunity to work with other members to develop opportunities for fiber art.
- Receipt of the FAC newsletter.
*Fees in addition to annual membership dues may be required for participation in some of the listed benefits.
Responsibilities of members are to:
- Pay dues in a timely fashion.
- Share names of galleries and media contacts with the group.
- Respond if called upon to participate in the organization by volunteering on a committee.
- Remain informed by participating in the Member Forum and/or by reading the newsletter.
- Update membership files and slide directory as necessary by providing current slides, resume, artist’s statement and postcard.
Annual membership dues are $70 and cover a period from April I to March 31.
If you have any questions, please .